2023 World Championship TCG Deck Box Revealed

On December 14th, Pokémon revealed the four World Championship TCG Deck Boxes for 2023! The decks will be released on March 1st, 2024. Each box will include a world championship pin!

>>> Click to see all the championship pins previously released!

>>> Click to see all world championship deck pins released!

The four 2023 Deck Boxes will feature:

  1. Gabriel Fernandez – Colorless Lugia deck (Senior Division Champion) — Green
  2. Vance Kelley – Mew’s Revenge deck (Masters Division Champion) — Blue 
  3. Tord Reklev – Psychic Elegance deck (Masters Division Runner-Up) — Yellow
  4. Shao Tong Yen – Lost Box Kyogre deck (Junior Division Champion) — Red