2 New Original Pin Sets — Sentret, Octillery and more!

What a great day for pin collectors! Pokémon Center released two new sets of original pins consisting of 5 new pins. The first set of pins features Pokémons of the sea — Octillery, Mantine and Sharpedo. The pins are about 1 ¾ inches across and the set is sold at $18.99/£15.99 at Pokémon Center US/UK […]
2 New Giant Pins: Snorlax and Wailord

The Oversize pin collection continues to grow! These are the 7th and 8th pin of the collection. Snorlax and Wailord are both perfect for oversize pins as they are both much bigger Pokémons than others. Oversize pins are about 5 times as big as regular pins at about 5 inches across. The pins are sold […]
Pokémon Deluxe Pins: Pikachu Pin Box Set Released!

A new pin box is here! This time, the box features 3 Pikachu pins in a classic Pokémon Center logo box. The pin box is sold at $49.99/£39.99 at Pokémon Center US/UK online stores. Pokémon Center is introducing a new type of pin — Deluxe pins. The pins are thicker and bigger than usual. Usually […]