3 New PC Greeting Card Pins — Birthday, New Years and More

Pokémon Center US/UK online store released three new greeting card pins today! Usually at this time of the year they will release new years greeting cards, but this year they also released a birthday card and a general use card!

It’s been a while since Pokémon Center US/UK released a birthday greeting card pin. The last birthday greeting pin was back in 2020! The product is retailed at $14.99/£11.99 and here are the images:

Starting from 2020, Pokémon Center releases new year greeting card pins each year for fans to collect or send to loved ones. This year, the pin features Pikachu and is retailed at $19.99/£12.99. Here are the images:

The last greeting card pin is a general use card for any special occasion. The inner page says “Let’s Celebrate” so from birthdays to graduations or word promotion, fans can use this card to any of their needs. The card is retailed at $19.99/£12.99 and here are the images: