This page includes Pokémon pin information on China related releases. This includes competitions, collaborations and general events. The events listed below are not ordered in any particular way.
Important note:
Due to the packaging of many China event pins (usually with a sticker on the back of the packaging), it is hard to tell if the enamel pin is a “pin” or a “safety pin” back. I will update all the event pins on this page, but please note that some of them might have a “safety pin” back!! — I will do my best to specify the type if I’m certain.
China Master's League
Starting from 2023, China began to hold their Master’s League Competition. These competition happen 4 times each year and are held in different cities. For most of these competitions, an official pin is released for participants and the general public. For speicific competitions there were also special quests to get other Pokémon pins.
Note: I believe Master League related pins are all “safety pins” (except the Rule Expert pins).
- Competition Pins:
- Event Pins:
During the 2023 Shanghai Master’s League period, they held a “Nangjing Road Event”. After completing all the quests of the events, participants can receive one of the three pins — Pikachus or Squirtle.
- Rule Expert Pins:
TCG Related
- 2024: Simplified Chinese “Shadow of the Blue Sea (碧海暗影)” Promo pack release promotion — Participants can get the pin for free by participating in specific event quests during the event period. — Lugia (8/1-9/30), Giratina (9/1-10/31), Charizard (10/1-11/30), Comfey (11/1-12/31), Sableye (12/1-1/31).
Pokémon x 7-11
- 2018 Halloween Collaboration — Pokémon paired up with 7-11 in China and released a series of Halloween related products. These products can be earned when you buy specific items or spend to a certain amount in 7-11. Three pins were releases featuring Pikachu.
- 2019 Detective Pikachu Movie Promotion — Pokémon paired up with 7-11 in China for the promotion of Pokémon’s new Movie “Detective Pikachu (大偵探皮卡丘)”. 6 pins were released and could be obtained when you buy specific items or spend to a certain amount in 7-11. —— Will add the images when I find good ones 🙂
Master Kong X Pokémon Eeveelution Lottery Pin
- 2022 — This is a collaboration between Pokémon and Master Kong (康師傅) in China. Each packet contains a QR code that will lead you to a lottery draw. The prizes include figures, calendars, lanyards and pins. There are 9 pins that are available to collect, featuring the Eeveelutions. There are 2500 pins per each design and each design is given out randomly. (Click here to see detailed post)