Clefairy with Metronome Held Item Pin Released!

The eighth pin of Pokémon Held Item Collection is here! The pin was released on Semptember 27th, 2023 and this month features Clefairy with Metronome!

This weekend is the Moon Festival in Asian culture, and we all know that Clefairy is famous for its Moonlit dance. This is the perfect month to release a pin featuring Clefairy! The item of this month’s pin is Metronome — an item that can power a move casted by the Pokémon.

The pin is retailed at $12.99/£9.99 at Pokémon Center US/UK online store. Here’s the pin:

8-Clefairy with Metronome Pokémon Held Item Pin-1
Clefairy with Metronome