GET!! Poké Pins – AEON Mall 2017 Pin collection Event

Aeon Co., Ltd. is a Japanese company that operates all the AEON Retail Stores. The chained retail store is one of the biggest retailer in Asia. In 2017 Aeon released several campaigns with Pokemon to give out enamel pins with purchases and game releases.

In this post, I will go through all the pins that were released by Aeon and how to get them. As all the information were translated from Japanese, please let me know if any missing info should be added. Click here to see pin gallery.

First Campaign

Aeon Promo Series 1 GET!! Pokemon Pin-x

Pin: #025 Pikachu

When2017/06/17 and 2017/06/18

How: Visit event stores in Aeon Mall and a pin is given out with a purchase (first come first serve).

Where: Aeon software game section

Pin: #006 Charizard

When: 2017/06/17 to 2017/07/14

How: (1) Purchase pre-sale ticket of movie “Pokémon – I Choose You!”* or (2) Purchase one or more Pokémon target products at event stores.

Where: Aeon hobby shop

*Movie: 劇場版ポケットモンスター キミにきめた!

Second Campaign

Aeon Promo Series 2 GET!! Pokemon Pin-x

Pin: #250 Ho-oh

When2017/07/14 onwards

How: Visit event stores in Aeon Mall and a pin is given out with a purchase (first come first serve).

Where: Aeon software game section

Third Campaign

Aeon Promo Series 3 GET!! Pokemon Pin-x

Pin: #724 Decidueye

When: Until 2017/09/22

How: Given out with early purchase of Nintendo game “POKKÉN TOURNAMENT”* at event stores (first come first serve).

WhereAeon software game section

*Game: ポッ拳 DX

Ultra Sun and Moon Release Campaign

Pin: #249 Lugia

When2017/11/17 onwards

How: Visit event stores in Aeon Mall and a pin is given out with a purchase (first come first serve).

Where: Aeon software game section

Pin: #150 Mewtwo

When2017/11/17 onwards

How: Given out with a purchase receipt of 600 Yen of Pokémon related products at event stores (first come first serve).

Where: Aeon hobby shop

Pin: #483 Dialga

When2017/12/08 onwards

How: Included in the expansion pack of “Ultra Sun”* game.

Where: Aeon hobby shop

*Game: ウルトラサン

Pin: #484 Palkia

When2017/12/08 onwards

How: Included in the expansion pack of “Ultra Moon”* game.

Where: Aeon hobby shop

*Game: ウルトラムーン

Pin: #800 Necrozma Dusk

When2017 (to be confirmed)

How: Given out with the purchase of “Ultra Sun”* game.

Where: Aeon hobby shop

*Game: ウルトラサン

Pin: #800 Necrozma Dawn

When2017 (to be confirmed)

How: Given out with the purchase of “Ultra Moon”* game.

Where: Aeon hobby shop

*Game: ウルトラムーン

Pin: #103 Exeggutor

When: 2017 (to be confirmed)

How: Play Pokémon Ga-Olé* game’s special course and a pin is given upon showing the Turtonator (バクガメス) card (to be confirmed).


*Game: ポケモンガオーレ

Pin: #643 Reshiram + #644 Zekrom

When2017/12/22 onwards

How: Play Pokémon Ga-Olé* game’s special course and a pin is given upon showing the Mismagius (ムウマージ) card (to be confirmed).

Where: Molly Fantasy Stores / PALO

*Game: ポケモンガオーレ

Pin: #791 Solgaleo + #792 Lunala

When2017 (to be confirmed)

How: Play Pokémon Ga-Olé* game’s special course and a pin is given upon showing the Tyranitar (バンギラス) card (to be confirmed).

Where: Molly Fantasy Stores / PALO

*Game: ポケモンガオーレ

Starter 3 Trio Pin Set (Second Campaign)

Pins: Starter 3 from Kanto region to Alola region

When2017 (released with second campaign)

How: Each given out with a purchase receipt of 3000 Yen of Pokémon related products at event stores (first come first serve).

Where: Aeon hobby shop

Lottery Draw - PokeBall Pin Set

Pins: 20 pins from Pokémon  Movie


How: With a purchase receipt of 5000 Yen of Pokémon related products at event stores, you can join a lottery draw. The draw will pick out 100 people to gift a 20cm PokéBall and 20 pins. Charizard, Ho-oh and Piplup can be obtained from previous campaigns but the other pins are exclusive to this set.

Aeon Promo Series 2 GET!! Pokemon Pin-y