Pokémon Center US/UK‘s big pin release is back again! This month, on January 13th, Pokémon Center released:
- 20 original individual pins
- 17 original pin sets
Here are the 20 new original individual pins! These pins are a continuation of last year’s Kanto Pokédex, perfect of fans that are looking for a specific Pokémon! Each pin is about 1 ¾ inches across and the pins are retailed at $9.99/£8.99 at Pokémon Center US/UK online store.
This month, they still didn’t release the 4 pins skipped last month — #050 Diglett, #051 Dugtrio, #056 Mankey and #057 Primeape for the individual Pokédex pins. Additionally, #084 Doduo and #085 Dodrio were also skipped. Hopefully these pins will be added so we have a complete the set!
Next are the 6 new original pin sets! The pin sets that include 3 pins are retailed at $18.99/£15.99. The pin sets that include 2 pins are retailed at $14.99/£11.99. The pin set that include 1 pin is retailed at $9.99/£8.99 at Pokémon Center US/UK online store. This month, all the pin sets are Halloween related, perfect for this season! Here are the pins:
#1000 Gholdengo
#857 Hattrem
#858 Hatterene
#404 Luxio
#405 Luxray
#625 Bisharp
#983 Kingambit
#873 Frosmoth
#869 Alcremie
#713 Avalugg
#966 Revavroom
#834 Drednaw
#089 Muk
#943 Mabosstiff
#362 Glalie
#758 Salazzle